I shall expedite its departure, then. And yourself?”“I have been detached,” she said, wrinkling up her face. “We are standing by with data on the situation below. I am to help brief you, and act as your liaison officer.
We are a fighting guild. Substances like that pollute the body and slow the reflexes. A Guardian must be vigilant. We guard and protect.”“Laudable,” said Haviland Tuf. He filled his own glass.“Sunrazor is wasted here. It has been recalled by Namor Control. We need its combat capabilities below.”
corridor. The fifth door on the right.” Tuf rose with ponderous dignity, and began cleaning up as she left.When the Guardian returned he had opened a decanter of liquor, vividly scarlet, and was stroking a black-and-white cat who had made herself at home on the table. “You’re hired, Tuf,” said Kefira Qay, seating herself. “Two million standards. After you win this war.”“Agreed,” said Tuf. “Let us discuss your
on her narrow face. “No,” she admitted. “Not if you can do all you promise. Of course, we are not a rich world. I will have to consult my superiors. This is not my decision alone.” She stood up abruptly. “Your communications facilities?”
Fairly high, I’d say. There have been others like you, Tuf—arms merchants and soldiers of fortune who have come to grow rich off our misery.”“Guardian,” said Tuf, reproachfully, “you do me grievous wrong. I take little for myself. The Ark is so large, so costly. Perhaps two million standards would suffice? I cannot believe you would grudge me this pittance. Is your world worth less?”Kefira Qay sighed, a tired look etched
.Calendario |
Abril 2025 |
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